Mark W. Batchelder Attorney at Law     Fort Worth, Texas     817-926-5555

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Suggestions for Achieving an Effective
Negotiation, Mediation, or Collaborative Law Meeting

Preparation Before Meeting Behavior During Meeting   
Thinking/Tactics During Meeting
Identify the problem Be nice – Be polite Focus on the issues, not the person
Think about what you really want Use "I" statements instead of "You" statements Be open-minded – be willing to explore new ideas
Know your Best Case Scenario Control your tone of voice and volume Avoid ultimatums
Know your Worst Case Scenario Don’t be insulting or insulted Stick to the facts – not assumptions
Dress appropriately Agree to listen Be willing to find new solutions
Let your mediator or attorney know if you have special needs (diet, translator, wheelchair access, etc.) No name calling Be willing to move from your entrenched position

Control your emotions Focus on long-term best interests (solutions)

Treat others the way they want to be treated (Platinum Rule) Resist the temptation to go for short-term satisfaction. Avoid stubbornness, retaliation, "I told you so," etc.

Do not attack or threaten others Consider offering an apology

- Mark W. Batchelder
© 2005 All rights reserved.

Mark W. Batchelder
Attorney at Law
Fort Worth, Texas